Among vertebrate animals, urea

Among vertebrate animals, urea 

A) is made in the pancreas and added to the intestinal contents, along with bile salts, for excretion.
B) is rarely the nitrogenous waste of choice.
C) is added to the air in the lungs to be exhaled, along with carbon dioxide.
D) is made in the liver by combining two ammonia molecules with one carbon dioxide.
E) is made in the kidneys and immediately excreted.

Answer: D

After drinking alcoholic beverages, increased urine excretion is the result of

After drinking alcoholic beverages, increased urine excretion is the result of 

A) the osmoregulator cells of the brain increasing their activity.
B) increased aldosterone production.
C) inhibited secretion of antidiuretic hormone (ADH).
D) increased reabsorption of water in the proximal tubule.
E) increased blood pressure.

Answer: C

Different body cells can respond differently to the same peptide hormones because

Different body cells can respond differently to the same peptide hormones because 

A) each cell converts that hormone to a different metabolite.
B) a target cell's response is determined by the components of its signal transduction pathways.
C) the circulatory system regulates responses to hormones by routing the hormones to specific targets.
D) different target cells have different sets of genes.
E) the hormone is chemically altered in different ways as it travels through the circulatory system.

Answer: B

All skeletal muscle fibers are both

All skeletal muscle fibers are both 

A) striated and electrically coupled to neighboring fibers.
B) smooth and operate independently of other skeletal muscle fibers.
C) smooth and under voluntary control.
D) smooth and under involuntary control.
E) striated and under voluntary control.

Answer: E

Which of the following is an accurate statement about thermoregulation?

Which of the following is an accurate statement about thermoregulation? 

A) Endotherms are warm-blooded and ectotherms are cold-blooded.
B) Endotherms maintain a constant body temperature and ectotherms do not.
C) Endothermy has a lower energy cost than ectothermy.
D) Endotherms and ectotherms differ in their primary source of heat for thermoregulation.
E) Endotherms are regulators and ectotherms are conformers.

Answer: D

A necropsy (postmortem analysis) of a marine sea star that died after it was mistakenly placed in fresh water would likely show that it died because

A necropsy (postmortem analysis) of a marine sea star that died after it was mistakenly placed in fresh water would likely show that it died because

A) its contractile vacuoles ruptured.
B) the sea star's kidneys could not handle the change in ionic content presented by the fresh water.
C) it was so hyperosmotic to the fresh water that it could not osmoregulate.
D) its cells dehydrated and lost the ability to metabolize.
E) it was stressed and needed more time to acclimate to the new conditions.

Answer: C

Organisms categorized as osmoconformers are most likely

Organisms categorized as osmoconformers are most likely 

A) found in terrestrial environments with adequate moisture.
B) found in freshwater lakes and streams.
C) marine.
D) amphibious.
E) found in arid terrestrial environments.

Answer: C

When a steroid hormone and a peptide hormone exert similar effects on a population of target cells, then

When a steroid hormone and a peptide hormone exert similar effects on a population of target cells, then

A) the steroid hormones affect only the release of proteins from the target cell, whereas peptide hormones affect only the synthesis of proteins that remain in the target cell.
B) the steroid hormones affect the synthesis of effector proteins, whereas peptide hormones activate effector proteins already present in the cell.
C) the steroid hormones affect the activity of certain proteins within the cell, whereas peptide hormones directly affect the processing of mRNA.
D) the steroid and peptide hormones must bind to the same receptor protein.
E) the steroid and peptide hormones must use the same biochemical mechanisms.

Answer: B

Panting by an overheated dog achieves cooling by

Panting by an overheated dog achieves cooling by 

A) torpor.
B) evaporation.
C) shivering thermogenesis.
D) acclimatization.
E) nonshivering thermogenesis.

Answer: B

Most land-dwelling invertebrates and all of the amphibians

Most land-dwelling invertebrates and all of the amphibians 

A) alter their metabolic rates to maintain a constant body temperature of 37°C.
B) are ectothermic organisms with variable body temperatures.
C) have a net loss of heat across a moist body surface, even in direct sun.
D) become more active when environmental temperatures drop below 15°C.
E) are endotherms but become thermoconformers only when they are in water.

Answer: B

Urea is

Urea is 

A) more toxic to human cells than ammonia.
B) insoluble in water.
C) the primary nitrogenous waste product of humans.
D) the primary nitrogenous waste product of most aquatic invertebrates.
E) the primary nitrogenous waste product of most birds.

Answer: C

Many marine and freshwater bony fish achieve osmoregulation via

Many marine and freshwater bony fish achieve osmoregulation via 

A) loss of water in the urine.
B) no drinking of water.
C) gain of salt through the gills.
D) gain of water through food.
E) loss of water through the gills.

Answer: D

Birds secrete uric acid as their nitrogenous waste because uric acid

Birds secrete uric acid as their nitrogenous waste because uric acid 

A) requires little water for nitrogenous waste disposal, thus reducing body mass.
B) is metabolically less expensive to synthesize than other excretory products.
C) excretion allows birds to live in desert environments.
D) is readily soluble in water.

Answer: A

The transfer of fluid from the glomerulus to Bowman's capsule

The transfer of fluid from the glomerulus to Bowman's capsule 

A) transfers large molecules as easily as small ones.
B) usually includes the transfer of red blood cells into Bowman's capsule.
C) is mainly a consequence of blood pressure in the capillaries of the glomerulus.
D) results from active transport.
E) is very selective as to which sub protein-sized molecules are transferred.

Answer: C

ADH and RAAS work together in maintaining osmoregulatory homeostasis through which of the following ways?

ADH and RAAS work together in maintaining osmoregulatory homeostasis through which of the following ways?

A) ADH regulates the osmolarity of the blood by altering renal reabsorption of water, and RAAS maintains the osmolarity of the blood by stimulating Na+ and water reabsorption.
B) both stimulate the adrenal gland to secrete aldosterone, which increases both blood volume and pressure via receptors in the urinary bladder.
C) ADH and RAAS work antagonistically; ADH stimulates water reabsorption during dehydration and RAAS causes increased excretion of water when it is in excess in body fluids.
D) ADH regulates the osmolarity of the blood and RAAS regulates the volume of the blood.
E) by combining at the receptor sites of proximal tubule cells, where reabsorption of essential nutrients takes place.

Answer: A

Melatonin is secreted by

Melatonin is secreted by 

A) the autonomic nervous system during the winter.
B) the thyroid gland during cold seasons.
C) the posterior pituitary gland during the day.
D) the pineal gland during the night.
E) the hypothalamus during the day.

Answer: C

Penguins, seals, and tuna have body forms that permit rapid swimming, because

Penguins, seals, and tuna have body forms that permit rapid swimming, because 

A) all share a common ancestor at some point in the past.
B) this is the only shape that will allow them to maintain a constant body temperature in water.
C) flying, pregnancy, and gill-breathing all require similar adaptations in form.
D) the shape is a convergent evolutionary solution to the need to reduce drag while swimming.
E) all of their bodies have been compressed since birth by intensive underwater pressures.

Answer: D

The thermoregulatory response of an overheated dog in a very hot environment is impaired if the response causes

The thermoregulatory response of an overheated dog in a very hot environment is impaired if the response causes

A) body temperature to increase to match the environmental temperature.
B) evaporative heat loss to increase.
C) a behavioral response that takes the dog to a cooler location.
D) blood vessels near the skin to vasoconstrict.
E) metabolic heat production to decrease.

Answer: A

Homeostasis typically relies on negative feedback because positive feedback

Homeostasis typically relies on negative feedback because positive feedback 

A) requires a response but not a stimulus.
B) drives processes to completion rather than to a balance point.
C) involves one location rather than several across the body.
D) acts within, but not beyond, a normal range.
E) can decrease but not increase a variable.

Answer: B

The endocrine glands include the

The endocrine glands include the 

A) sebaceous glands.
B) parathyroid glands.
C) salivary glands.
D) sweat glands.
E) gallbladder.

Answer: B