One day while Dr. Rogers was working in his taxonomic laboratory, a package arrived with the following label: "Beware, the contents of this package contains a eukaryotic, multicellular, nonmotile, non photosynthetic life form. Open with extreme caution." Dr. Rogers quickly closed the doors and windows of his laboratory and opened the package. To which kingdom of life could this life form belong?

One day while Dr. Rogers was working in his taxonomic laboratory, a package arrived with the following label: "Beware, the contents of this package contains a eukaryotic, multicellular, non motile, non photosynthetic life form. Open with extreme caution." Dr. Rogers quickly closed the doors and windows of his laboratory and opened the package. To which kingdom of life could this life form belong? 

A. Archaebacteria
B. Animalia
C. Fungi
D. Plantae
E. Protista

Answer: C

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