In a protein complex for the light reaction ( a reaction center), energy is transferred from pigment molecule to pigment molecule, to a special chlorophyll a molecule, and eventually to the primary electron acceptor. why does this occur?

In a protein complex for the light reaction ( a reaction center), energy is transferred from pigment molecule to pigment molecule, to a special chlorophyll a molecule, and eventually to the primary electron acceptor. why does this occur?

A. the action spectrum of that molecule is such that it is different from other molecules of chlorophyll
B. the potential energy of the electron has to go back to the ground state
C. the molecular environment lets it boost an electron to a higher energy level and also transfer the electron to another molecule
D. each pigment molecule has to be able to act interdependently to excite electrons
E. these chlorophyll a molecules are associated with higher concentrations of ATP

Answer: C

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