An organism that builds complex molecules as it grows does not violate the second law of thermodynamics, which states that disorder increases over time, because

An organism that builds complex molecules as it grows does not violate the second law of thermodynamics, which states that disorder increases over time, because

a. organisms are living things, which are exempt from the laws of thermodynamics.
b. the sun provides a continuous input of energy into biological systems, some of which is diverted to entropy so that organisms do not have to release it,
c. the order created in complex molecule synthesis is balanced by the disorder created as the organism moves about its environment.
d. the organism creates more disorder than order as it breaks down food molecules and releases some of the energy from food as heat.
e. all of the order created will eventually become disordered when the organism dies.

Answer: d. the organism creates more disorder than order as it breaks down food molecules and releases some of the energy from food as heat.

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