The Skeleton Multiple Choice Questions and Answers

A structure found on the femur is the ________.

A) anterior crest
B) malleolus
C) linea aspera
D) apex

Answer: C) linea aspera

Which forms the major portion of the coxal bone?

A) ischium
B) pubis
C) ilium
D) pelvic

Answer: C) ilium

The inferiormost part of the sternum is the ________.

A) xiphoid process
B) body
C) manubrium
D) ala

Answer: A) xiphoid process

The membranous areas between the cranial bones of the fetal skull are called ________.

A) areolas
B) foramina
C) sutures
D) fontanels

Answer: D) fontanels

The axial skeleton contains ________.

A) the skull, vertebral column, and pelvis
B) arms, legs, hands, and feet
C) the skull, vertebral column, and rib cage
D) shoulder and pelvic girdles

Answer: C) the skull, vertebral column, and rib cage

The ethmoid bone is composed of all of the following except the ________.

A) superior nasal concha
B) crista galli
C) cribriform plate
D) inferior nasal concha

Answer: D) inferior nasal concha

Only the ________ vertebra does not have a body.

A) last lumbar
B) axis
C) atlas
D) last cervical

Answer: C) atlas

The suture that connects the two parietal bones together is the ________.

A) coronal
B) sagittal
C) lambdoid
D) squamosal

Answer: B) sagittal

The pituitary gland is housed in the ________.

A) vomer bone
B) sinuses of the ethmoid
C) sella turcica of the sphenoid
D) foramen lacerum

Answer: C) sella turcica of the sphenoid

The hyoid bone is unique because ________.

A) it is the only bone of the body that does not articulate with any other bone
B) it is shaped like a plow
C) it is covered with mucosa
D) it has no specific function

Answer: A) it is the only bone of the body that does not articulate with any other bone

Along with support, the broad anterior ligament of the vertebral column also acts to ________.

A) hold the discs in place
B) prevent hyperextension of the spine
C) hold the spine erect
D) protect the spinal cord

Answer: B) prevent hyperextension of the spine

The major function of the intervertebral discs is to ________.

A) absorb shock
B) string the vertebrae together
C) prevent injuries
D) prevent hyperextension

Answer: A) absorb shock

All of the following facial bones are paired except one. Which of the following is the unpaired facial bone?

A) palatine
B) lacrimal
C) vomer
D) maxillae

Answer: C) vomer

Paranasal sinuses are found in which of these facial bones?

A) zygomatic
B) nasal conchae
C) vomer
D) maxillae

Answer: D) maxillae

Which of the following is an abnormal lateral curvature of the vertebral column often seen in the thoracic region?

A) kyphosis
B) scoliosis
C) lordosis
D) swayback

Answer: B) scoliosis

Which of the following phrases best describes the function of the vertebral curves?

A) to provide resilience and flexibility
B) to accommodate muscle attachment
C) to absorb shock and trauma
D) to accommodate the weight of the pelvic girdle

Answer: A) to provide resilience and flexibility

The body or centrum of the thoracic vertebrae are ________.

A) triangular
B) oval
C) heart shaped
D) round

Answer: C) heart shaped

Which part of the vertebral column receives the most stress by bearing most of the weight of the body?

A) the sacrum
B) the cervical region
C) the lumbar region
D) the sacral promontory

Answer: C) the lumbar region

Which of the following statements is true regarding the location of the center of gravity of the body?

A) It is 1 cm posterior to the sacral promontory.
B) It is 2 cm anterior to the sacral foramina.
C) It is 1 cm lateral to the sacroiliac joints of the pelvis.
D) It is 1 cm superior to the median sacral crest.

Answer: A) It is 1 cm posterior to the sacral promontory.

Thoracic vertebrae T2 through T8 differ from the others in that ________.

A) they have no transverse processes
B) they have superior and inferior demifacets
C) they have transverse foramina
D) they have no intervertebral discs

Answer: B) they have superior and inferior demifacets

The major function of the axial skeleton is to ________.

A) give the body resilience
B) provide an attachment point for muscles that allow movement
C) provide central support for the body and protect internal organs
D) provide a space for the heart and lungs

Answer: C) provide central support for the body and protect internal organs

The antebrachium is composed of which of the following two bones?

A) the radius and the ulna
B) the humerus and the clavicle
C) the scapula and the clavicle
D) the humerus and the radius

Answer: A) the radius and the ulna

The "true wrist" or carpus consists of ________.

A) a group of eight short bones united by ligaments
B) the phalanges
C) the styloid processes of the radius and ulna
D) the metacarpals

Answer: A) a group of eight short bones united by ligaments

The short bone that attaches to the third metacarpal is the ________.

A) trapezoid
B) hamate
C) capitate
D) triquetral

Answer: C) capitate

The bone in direct contact with the first metatarsal (big toe) is the ________.

A) medial cuneiform
B) lateral cuneiform
C) cuboid
D) calcaneus

Answer: A) medial cuneiform

The skull bone that the foramen magnum passes through is the ________.

A) atlas
B) axis
C) occipital
D) parietal

Answer: C) occipital

Choose the statement that is most correct about orbits.

A) The orbits are formed of both facial and cranial bones.
B) The orbits contain only facial bones.
C) The orbits contain only cranial bones.
D) The orbits are made entirely of cartilage.

Answer: A) The orbits are formed of both facial and cranial bones.

Which of the following is true about paranasal sinuses?

A) Paranasal sinuses open into the oral cavity.
B) Paranasal sinuses enhance the resonance of the voice and lighten the skull.
C) Paranasal sinuses contain passages acting as oneway valves.
D) Paranasal sinuses are found in maxillary, ethmoid, and lacrimal bones.

Answer: B) Paranasal sinuses enhance the resonance of the voice and lighten the skull.

The middle nasal concha is part of which bone?

A) maxilla
B) zygomatic
C) nasal
D) ethmoid

Answer: D) ethmoid

The superior orbital fissure is formed in the sphenoid bone, whereas the inferior orbital fissure is formed between the ________ and ________.

A) sphenoid/maxilla
B) sphenoid/zygomatic
C) sphenoid/ethmoid
D) sphenoid/lacrimal

Answer: A) sphenoid/maxilla

Which of the following is the abnormal curve often seen in pregnant women as they attempt to preserve their center of gravity toward the end of the pregnancy?

A) kyphosis
B) spina bifida
C) scoliosis
D) lordosis

Answer: D) lordosis

Thoracic vertebrae 11 and 12 are different from the others in which of the following characteristics?

A) The orientation of the articular processes is different from all the other thoracic vertebrae.
B) The transverse processes do not have facets that articulate with the tubercles of the ribs.
C) There are two foramina on vertebrae 11 and 12.
D) The spinous processes are directed parallel with the centrum.

Answer: B) The transverse processes do not have facets that articulate with the tubercles of the ribs.

A bone that contains diaphysis and epiphysis areas, a curvature for strength, and is proportionally more compact than spongy bone is the ________.

A) parietal bone
B) talus
C) humerus
D) cervical vertebra

Answer: C) humerus

The superior nasal concha is a part of which bone?

A) vomer
B) ethmoid
C) sphenoid
D) maxilla

Answer: B) ethmoid

The articulation that most closely resembles a hinge in the body involves which bones?

A) humerusulna
B) humerusradius
C) femurtibia
D) femurfibula

Answer: A) humerusulna

The pelvic girdle does not include the ________.

A) sacrum
B) ilium
C) ischium
D) pubis

Answer: A) sacrum

The following is not a structure found on the ischium.

A) superior ramus
B) inferior ramus
C) lesser sciatic notch
D) superior body

Answer: A) superior ramus

Which of the following bones is not weight bearing?

A) femur
B) tibia
C) fibula
D) tarsus

Answer: C) fibula

The tibia is in contact with which tarsus?

A) calcaneus
B) cuboid
C) navicular
D) talus

Answer: D) talus

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